what's up?

down in flames

1960 cadillac coupe de ville

so i'm running late already today. on my way to the viejitos show and lunch. you know what? decided not to go to work this weekend at all. i'll work late all week. i wanted my weekend too much. and my better half is also so persuasive. :)

i noticed at the legg lake show yesterday, that the tribe was there, even had their tent up. but i didn't see this one. and not even his lincoln. he's a busy guy i guess.

i stayed out among the cars, didn't go up on the grass and talk to anyone. they knew i was there, good enough. i was trying to hurry to go to work, remember?

anyway, this one from the whittier show in august was ready, so i'll just post it now and be done with it. the flames, the flames, the cursed flames. guess the early light was good enough to pop the ghost flames off the hood.

twilight deville

twilight deville

i don't think there is a bad angle to be had of this caddie. you'll find it several times on this blog, if you look for it. one of my favs, and one of my first cars i shot when i started doing this mess.

my better half just got home and peeked over my shoulder while i was working on this. he especially liked the reflection of the clouds and evening sky on the hood. so, in his style, i cranked it a bit more than i had intended originally. but it does bring out the sunset colors that are so striking, and i popped the damn ghost flames that have always just eluded my lens in all the other shots.

took this at the last show of the year 2010, at ruby's in whittier. the halloween show. oh dear me, i went straight from work, dressed as a leopard. perhaps i can't pull that costume off anymore, and it should stay locked away in the box in the garage. anyway, i can see my distorted reflection, as always, in the bumpers of the cars i shot that day, so there is some record of the last time i intend to wear it.

ruby's show should be starting up on the first friday in may...always a good turnout and variety. can't wait.