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night moves

1952 chevy bel air

1952 chevy bel air

back in whittier for a day or two.

walked uptown for dinner, saw the mayor at the cigar bar. chatted for a few minutes. had intended to take a picture of an old chevy that was parked there twenty minutes before when i drove past, but he had already left by the time i parked and walked back up the street.

i’ll take one of the mayor’s fifty-six on the way back if it’s still there—it’s on the other side of the street.

it’s getting tiring living out of a suitcase, but responsibility and all… mom is now in possession of one of those “i’ve fallen and can’t get up” devices, so i’m a little less worried being away for the night. but she hears every creak in the house when she’s by herself.

nothing much has changed here in whittier at the house. better half wants to get out for a few hours of freedom, but his mom has changed his plans, as only she can, so maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow.

night shot from one of the few toy drives i got out to in december. beautiful car, difficult lighting. had to shoot it a lot, as cars and people kept messing things up on the long exposure. this will just have to do.