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made it out to only one real car show this past weekend, over at the foursquare church. not too far away; could have walked over there if i'd wanted, but at seven in the morning, it was already hot. i'd caught the end of this show last year, and liked what i saw, so thought i'd check it out from the beginning. 

there were only a couple of show cars in the lot when i arrived, plus the street of vendors setting up out front. so i walked over to the far corner and took a bunch of shots of that car.

as i mentioned a few posts ago, i'd been messing with settings on my camera the night before, and was giving it some testing. you can only tell so much by pixel peeping, so usually i don't bother looking at the back of the camera except when composing a shot. but since i'd messed with the focus of the lenses, i thought it best. basically, i started redoing the adjustment tests all over again, but this time on the subjects i shoot rather than a stupid paper target.

still not so sure i've got one of the lenses dialed in, but the one i used extensively for a couple of years, i think is pretty close. i shot the later in the morning shots with it, and i'm pretty happy with those.

this is one; saw several kustom oldies cars lined up at the front of the church. shot the obvious from the side, with the steepled church directly behind. nice, but safe and boring. i think this more angled shot gave a better sense of the car and still showed it with the church.

and did i mention it was hot? not as hot as h-e-double hockey sticks, but hot enough to melt ice cream. and me. i took several water breaks, dashing inside to cool off under the slowly turning ceiling fans. if i stood still long enough, i could cool down comfortably.

one time, i went in a different doorway, and found myself at the door of the church proper. strangely empty, i took the opportunity to get a shot. simple and unadorned, i suppose it allows worshippers to focus on what is really important to them, but i still wished there were stained glass windows to add a dash of color to the space.