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1948 chevy fleetline

1948 chevy fleetline

nice fleetline from a few months back. car show at salinas tires. too many cars for the little parking lot, so this was further on down by the no-tell motel. don’t care that there are imperfections; they just make it more interesting.


been here and there, no time or energy left to write much. but i do observe, and if my mental notes don’t disappear from my head, i can usually pull some random topic out of my a$$. 

currently at my condo, where there is no kitchen and no water, but at least there is no more mold in the wall from a pipe leak months ago. goobers said they were done for now and that the house key was under the mat. thanks captain obvious. would have preferred they toss it in the back yard. so had to drive out here for that. time to change the locks anyway.

they say there is another slow leak that needs a plumber’s attention, before they put things back together again. just don’t know if the hoa will pay for that or if i have to. which means more time out of the office because the lock box is gone.

at least the plastic breaking bad “meth lab” drapes are gone from where the kitchen was, and instead, i have plastic covered framework where a wall used to be. and a bucket for the slow leak.

this would be a second weekend with my kid unable to stay here with the beast. she tried, but unfortunately discovered that without running water, the toilet would not flush, after an unfortunate situation, if you know what i mean. her friend was there, so she had used the bathroom in my room, to top it off.

her dad told her to fill the tank with water, but i guess she only put a gallon, so was unable to flush the evidence. and left it there. she called to let me know, and apologized, as she was late for work. 

fine. i go over the next day to see if it would actually flush, which it did when enough water is in there. i was worried that she put water in the bowl vs the tank, which i still suspect she did, since the tank was pretty dry.

i noticed a smell coming from her room. a stench that wrankles the nasal passages. 

now, her shit didn’t stink, so what was it? was one of her other critters dead in their cage, a desiccating carcass?

first thought was that the dog had pinched one in there. he’d done it the week before. maybe he’d done it again. too stupid to let you know he needs to go outside if you don’t see him gazing longingly at the door.

but no. it’s worse.

hiding in that bathroom is a bowl of the foulest of the foul, even andy dufresne would not swim out of shawshank in it. really permeating, like it had stewed for days.

the snakes were not loving it. the tarantulas could care less, being that they don’t really move all slithery and such.

i make some calls. 

kid swears she didn’t do it. friends swears they didn’t do it. which leads me to believe one of the kitchen worker bees took a dump knowing the water is off, and forgot about it. wtf. wtf is he doing upstairs? there’s a toilet downstairs. 

holding my breath as i fill the tank. standing by with a plunger, as that toilet likes to back up if you use too much paper, and i don’t know what might be under all that.

on the other hand, what am i to do if it does start pouring over the lip of the bowl? towels, i’d build a dam with towels before it got to the carpet. 

luckily, i didn’t have to shift to plan b. down it went, but the smell lingered. i hate lysol, but i had to spray that stuff in the room, past the sink, into the main bedroom. the snakes were going crazy for the lemon scent. 

opened the window, air conditioning be damned. 

really hoping they do a follow up survey on the quality of their work. “a” for effort. 

so today, hot and humid, with smoke from the fire drenching the sky and surroundings in an eerie tan color, i had to go shower at the pool in a bathing suit. took a swim first, which was lovely, as i haven’t used the pool in a year or two.

guess i’ll brush my teeth with bottled water, and hope the burrito i ate earlier stays put.