what's up?

flight of fancy

awesome. work server is down, might as well post a picture. and i got a rush job to do, so extra special awesome.

worked over the memorial day weekend, so now i gotta pick another day to take off. better half's mom has a cold, and he needs to take a business trip, aside from being busy himself, so i guess a long weekend escape is off the table. guess i'll just stay home and take care of stuff i like to put off vs going to a car show.

found this hood ornament on a car from last year's whittier area church show. making me think about traveling. need to decide where to take our anniversary trip this year. already know it will either be a month early or a month late, because his coworker's spouse will be popping a kid around that time, so my better half has to be there to support east and west coast offices.

haven't been to san fran for a while. east coast weather has been a bit dicey the last few years, but maybe dc or florida.

i know for sure it will be somewhere. maybe just throw a dart at a map?

shine on

1946 pontiac hood ornament

so a quick post. just here to grab some clothes and head to my mom's. better half thinks i have a cold. really just a nasty sounding cough, but no fever or other symptoms. to make him feel better, i'm going to stay away all weekend. pretty sure the house will be fumigated with lysol after i go; he's very protective of his mother and stuff.

guess i'll sleep and keep my stupid foot up. they say it's not broken, but there is something going on in there. going to a podiatrist on monday. hope it's nothing terrible—going to see my daughter in a week.

sorry, i don't have a car ready to post. i like pontiac hood ornaments. this is one of my favs, from last summer's uptown show. i like the crackly surface on some of them. even better when you can get the light shining through them.

that thing that looks like a light shining down behind it is really just the open hood of the car next to it. obviously, i didn't take a picture of that one.

ok, my bags are packed, just need to back up the latest pictures i've shot this week, and i'll be off. i'm sure you'll survive without me.

meeting with one of the bobs

bob's big boy

i often sit near this boy when i'm either getting my gear out, or packing it up at the big boy in downey. has to be one of my favorite places to be on a wednesday night, all year round. one of the first shows i went to, when i got started doing this photography thing again. i really should get out and shoot more often. and this guy gives me something to look forward to in the middle of the week. well, apart from the other guy, my better half, that is.

this one is a lot less scary than the burger boy on the other side of the lot, near the other entrance.

don't litter, he’ll cry

1954 pontiac chieftan mascot

it's late, and i just got home, so i don't really have a car ready to post. i'll put up this hoodie, well, because i like them. and i like these old beat up pontiac indians best. lots of character, with all the cracks in the amber plastic. or is it glass? i dunno.

they're just more interesting, especially if you can catch the light behind them just right. wishing that the sky had been cloudy or something. i guess i could go in and add some color or a gradient, but no. this is just fine as it is.