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get baked

1951 chevy deluxe

1951 chevy deluxe

doing a lot of baking lately. stuff my dad would’ve liked. apparently, everyone at work is on a New Year’s resolution not to eat sweets. so then I’m stuck with this stuff and what to do with it. 

Not going to sell it like the guy across the street, who says he doesn’t run a business from his house cooking stuff in his garage. going to ignore all the people that double park and pay him for something he’s not selling. he might be full of shit. 

Better half is exhausted by the weekend and I always end up washing a load of dishes by hand in the sink, using gloves that fit his gigantor banana hands, but on me, feel like NASA space gloves. there are no fine motor movements going on here...i can hardly hold the sponge without it flying into the soapy water.

the thin womens’ gloves i usually use tore last time i used one to open a bottle cap—the rubber gives a better grip. (that’s what she said. ) i just haven’t gotten around to buying a new pair.

womens gloves are like one-thirty-second of an inch thick vs the one-sixteenth of stuff on his gloves. pretty sure he bought them at the hardware store and they are for like mixing cement or working with electrical cables. 


also had the weirdest whirlwind of a cold or flu over the weekend. had to leave the office early on friday cuz i felt like i was on a boat on rough seas, and i was listing to the right when i walked. fever jumped to not quite one-hundred and three that evening and for the next two days.

stayed home today with a lower fever in morning and a cough.

went to the doctor, who gave me cough med that will stop the cough but make me too sleepy to drive, maybe. plus, i’m still walking on a tipsy boat. see how things are in the morning. maybe i’ll show up to be shunned at work.

hey, i wasn’t patient zero this year…

do i still want to get a flu shot? no, never.


missing my computer. here’s an old pic from last year at montebello park.

shadowy and windy. maybe it’s on the tipsy boat with me.